Many corporate and private clients and event functions of all sizes have headshot or portrait and group photography provided on site and desire ever more economical solutions.
While our
Premium On-Location Headshot Photo Booths offer the best in quality high volume Professional Headshot Photography solution for corporate offices and events of all sizes, and include two highly trained photography portrait professionals on the team, the Economy Portrait Headshots save costs by having one skilled photographer only.
Due to convenience and economies of scale, Corporate Headshot Photography, for many in the business world, only happens during hosted headshot photo booth style event functions. But, they also happen in small offices, homes, or during other opportunities where it is desired to have a trained photographer to come to you.
Many private groups and individuals also avail themselves of this service for portraits, parties, anniversaries, family group functions and the like.
For details on our other
portrait package prices,
click here.
Photographic results, are a touch less in quality than the
Premium On-Location Headshot Photo Booths due to technical issues like less time and manpower available for tuning lights to each individual face and posture. A more 'flat' light, flattering to most, is used, whereas we tune lights per individual in most non rush Premium sessions.
This Economy Portrait Headshot Photography Solution Comes to You
On site professional photography, using the headshot photo booth setup, whether at a resort, conference center, your business offices or any other suitable spaces, brings the headshot studio experience, out of the studio, directly to your venue.
We bring portable professional studio lighting, backdrops and photographic gear to your location of choice.
With recent advances in modern battery operated studio equipment, we are able to create a mini headshot studio ‘Photo Headshot Booth’ at most any remote client location.
The Economy Portrait Headshots may be shot in an environmental style or with a background. The portraits can be of one person at a time, or may be of groups.
See the examples in the gallery on this page of actual results
Setting up and tearing down times requires about an hour before we begin and a half hour after shooting is complete.
We will work within any spaces provided, however, a minimum of 10x20 unobstructed feet of space with 8 foot minimum ceilings are preferred.
If we are moving during the session, that is shooting in multiple set ups or areas, expect moves to take time from times that could be used for shooting.
Retouch / aka Editing / Photoshop
With the
Premium On-Location Headshot Photo Booth service, editing is based on your selections. With the On-Location Economy Portrait Photography sessions, we provide one bulk retouched images per headshot of our choice.
In the case of group photos, up to 2 images per group are provided, one of which may have a head change included, of our choice, when shooting less than 5 groups per hour. In shooting more groups per hour, 1 or 2 shots of each group will be provided, w/o included retouching.
The reduction in photographers from two to one, and inclusion of basic retouching / editing service makes this a truly economical choice for those pleased with this look.
The retouching included is a professional photography filter that is used under professional supervision. Custom hand editing is available a la carte, per image or by the hour and can work all kinds of magic, from body slimming, to removing hairs across a face, chaning backgrounds... the possibilities are endless for those requiring these services.
All the examples on this page are of this service, and have been retouched to the degree you may expect your work may be as well.
Pricing for this service is $795 for the first hour of portrait photography service and $285 per hour beyond the first hour, billed in quarter hour increments. The hour setup and half hour teardown times listed above are built into this rate.
We typically figure about 20 headshots, give or take a few, per hour after a setup is complete.
Shooting rates can vary depending on a wide degree of factors. Moving a setup for example can take a half hour or more, during which there is no shooting. We can also go faster, however the quality of expression and personal styling etc may suffer. For example, once set up, 40 per hour is possible for some cases.
For group shots, 1 head change (replacing the head of a person with eyes closed etc, is included, where groups are less than 5 per hour), additional head changes are $45 each if required/requested, and or when shooting rates exceeds 5 groups per hour, no head changes will be included a la carte.
If all outtakes are desired, they are available at in a gallery for $120 for the whole lot.
Retouching of any outtakes requires a $55 setup fee per order (to coordinate logistics for the order) plus $18 per image, or $45 per head change specified.